Year 5

What’s going on in Year 5?

Introduction to Year 5

Welcome to year 5. In our year group there are two classes: 5S and 5F. Our teachers are: Mr Spraggs and Mr Fiorilo.

In the Autumn Term we will be learning about:

Geography/History – Victorian Britain (Term 1) Benin Kingdom (Term 2)

Science- Properties and changes of materials (Term 1) Living things and their habitats (Term 2)

RE- Is there a God? (Term 1) The Commercialism of Christmas (Term 2)

In the Spring Term we will be learning about:

Geography/History – Nigeria (Term 1) Mountains (Term 2)

Science-  Forces (Term 1) Earth and Space (Term 2)

RE- Sikhism (Term 1) Shintoism (Term 2)

In the Summer Term we will be learning about:

Geography/History – Modern London (Term 1) Ancient Egypt (Term 2)

Science-  Animals including Humans (Term 1) Scientists and Inventors (Term 2)

RE- Easter (Term 1) Ancient Religions (Term 2)

The books/texts we will be using in our English this year are:

Term 1 – Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens, Blackberry Blue- Jamilla Gavin

Term 2 – Poems by George the Poet, Tokyo City Trails – Lonely Planet Kids

Term 3 – High Rise Mystery by Sharna Jackson, Awesome Egyptians – Terry Deary

Our expectations of home-learning are:

Each week there will be a spelling focus this will encourage children to understand how to apply patterns, strategies and knowledge to other words and not just a list of words given for that week. Please support them with this at home. Children have Mathletics and Times Table Rockstar logins and should be accessing these regularly. If your child cannot access these at home please inform your child’s teacher. The year 5 ‘Padlet’ will be updated regularly throughout the term.

Any other relevant information:

We have PE on Thursdays. Please remember to send your child into school that day wearing their PE kit.

Haseltine Primary School
Haseltine Road
Lower Sydenham
London SE26 5AD
Tel: 020 8778 6536

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