Pupil Premium

Additional funds given to schools to support all children – All schools receive additional funding for children: who are entitled to free school meals; who have been ‘Looked After’ for 6 months or more and for children from families in the armed forces. This funding now includes any child who has been entitled to free school meals in the last 6 years.

The money is given to schools to support them in enabling all pupils to reach or exceed the nationally expected level for their age.

Often parents are concerned that there is a stigma attached to being seen as a ‘low income’ family. At Haseltine all matters regarding free school meals and pupil premium are treated confidentially. There is never an assumption that the children from these families will be less able, on the contrary, we believe that everyone can succeed. We work with our families and colleagues to make sure everyone involved with the child has high aspirations.

Equal opportunities

We use all our resources to ensure that every child at Haseltine has an equal opportunity to become an empowered learner. In order to achieve this we offer our children a wide range of opportunities, we always make sure these are accessible for everyone.

The decision about how that money is spent is left with the individual schools. At Haseltine we know what makes the biggest difference to children’s attainment and progress is the quality of the teacher and their understanding of how children learn. We also know that there are many other ways of accelerating children’s progress.

Haseltine Pupil Premium Expenditure

Our Pupil Premium Grant for each year is as follows:

2019-20 – £262,995

2020-21 – £246,387

2021-22 – £220,820

Below is an outline of what we do to make sure everyone achieves:

Impact of Pupil Premium expenditure through attainment and progress

Attainment outcomes at the end of KS1 2021-22

Not eligible81%59%51%41%

Attainment outcomes at the end of KS2 2021-22

Not eligible94%83%94%83%92%

Disadvantaged progress scores:

Reading = +0.9Writing = +0.1Maths = +2.0

We are closing the gap between Pupil Premium children and Non-Pupil Premium children in all subjects. The difference in progress is 5% or less in reading and maths, and in writing our Pupil Premium pupils are making slightly more progress than Non-Pupil Premium pupils.

See below for current and prior Pupil Premium Strategies. These are reviewed termly and re-written annually.

Pupil Premium funding plan 2022-23
Pupil Premium Funding Plan 2021-22
Pupil Premium Strategy 2019-2020 Reviewed
Pupil Premium Support

Haseltine Primary School
Haseltine Road
Lower Sydenham
London SE26 5AD
Tel: 020 8778 6536


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