
Each year group has topic sessions devoted to this important subject, which is concerned with the creative and aesthetic response to the visual and tactile qualities of the natural and constructed world.

The creative element involves children using materials and equipment to represent objects realistically and imaginatively, and to express ideas and feelings. With this in mind, breadth and depth of the subjects is offered with a wide range of materials and skills. Art is an inclusive subject which has many possibilities across culture and time.

Value and significance of art

The evaluative element enables pupils to develop skills in assessing their own learning and that of other artists, and to understand the value and significance of art in society.

All year groups have regular opportunities to visit galleries, museums and other venues for maximum exposure to as varied a range of art and craft work as possible.

We have an ‘artist in residence’ working in classes and with groups of children to produce large pieces of artwork which are displayed around the school.

View Haseltine’s Art Curriculum below.

Haseltine Art and Design Overview

Art Skills

Haseltine Primary School
Haseltine Road
Lower Sydenham
London SE26 5AD
Tel: 020 8778 6536

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