At Haseltine we believe that Religious Education should help pupils to develop a positive attitude towards other people, respecting their right to hold different beliefs from their own, and towards living in a society of many religions (Lewisham SACRE curriculum 2018)

The school encourages children to develop an awareness of the universal moral principles of right and wrong, justice and fairness and a proper concern for the fate of others and the world. Haseltine is a community built upon the diversity of its nationalities, cultures and faiths. As a school we aim, through our RE curriculum, to educate about and celebrate this diversity and offer a welcoming and inclusive environment for all our pupils.
Our RE curriculum is based on the Lewisham local authority scheme of work. This provides the framework on which we have built our own RE provision, considering the skills, knowledge and attitudes that the children will need to acquire and build on throughout their time at Haseltine.

First and foremost, we teach our pupils about the major religions in order that they can learn more about themselves, their peers and the wider community. Lessons will allow the children time to identify, describe, explain and compare the major religions and will engender an empathy of and curiosity for earning more about different religions.

We look at some key moral principles such as right and wrong, looking after the world and peace through the lens of the major religions and give children the opportunity to reflect on their own beliefs and values.

We also give space to learning about secular or world beliefs such as Shinto and Humanism and we also have a unit in which the children consider the question ‘Is there really a God? ’ Ancient beliefs such as those of Ancient Egypt are also part of the RE curriculum at Haseltine and we believe that this varied curriculum provides opportunities for children to explore a wider range of beliefs and ideologies and gain an understanding of them.

We encourage children to draw upon, discuss and share their own beliefs and religious experiences, within a safe and supportive environment, and use these discussions as springboards to further exploration, debate, thought and learning. As a result RE learners at Haseltine are curious, engaged and respectful as they learn about some of the faiths, practises and beliefs that make our world today.We encourage children to draw upon, discuss and share their own beliefs and religious experiences, within a safe and supportive environment, and use these discussions as springboards to further exploration, debate, thought and learning.

Our studies around the World’s major religions is taught in accordance with the aims of the Lewisham Agreed Syllabus. Particularly relevant to our school is the aim, which states:

‘Religious Education should help pupils to develop a positive attitude towards other people, respecting their right to hold different beliefs from their own, and towards living in a society of many religions and beliefs.’

View Haseltine RE Curriculum Overview below.

RE Curriculum Overview
RE – Progression of Knowledge and Skills
Lewisham RE Syllabus

Haseltine Primary School
Haseltine Road
Lower Sydenham
London SE26 5AD
Tel: 020 8778 6536

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